HTTP Continued: Headers with Loops

The parser created in the last tutorial, while functional, is lacking a fairly important component: parsing request headers.

Currently, our parser looks something like

out enum{GET, POST, UNSUPPORTED} method;
out str[32] request_path;
out bool uri_too_long = false;

parser {
   case {
      "GET " -> {method = GET;}
      "POST " -> {method = POST;}
      else -> {method = UNSUPPORTED; wait " ";}

   try {
      request_path += /[\/a-zA-Z0-9.\-_?=&+]+/;
   catch (outofspace) {
      uri_too_long = true;
      wait "\r\n\r\n";

   " HTTP/1."; /\d/;

   wait "\r\n\r\n";

Now, we'll try to make it handle a few headers. Before we do that though, let's clean up our error handling a bit.

Basic Macros

You may already see a repeated pattern starting to emerge in our parser -- waiting for \r\n\r\n on an error condition. Repeating patterns like this can make the parser source ugly, and so NMFU offers a basic form of code reuse with macros:

For example, we could add

macro waitend() {
   wait "\r\n\r\n";

and replace the body of our error handler with just

uri_too_long = true;

Since our header parsing is going to add more error conditions, it'd be nice to consolidate all the error conditions. One approach we could use would be to replace the ad-hoc boolean flag with an error_code enum:

out enum{OK, URI_TOO_LONG} result_code;

macro waitend(expr result) {
   result_code = result;
   wait "\r\n\r\n";

parser {
   result_code = OK;
   // ...

The expr here means an integer-expression, (as opposed to a match-expression), effectively anything that can be stored into a scalar variable (for more information, see the section on expressions in the reference).

Now we can succinctly set an error code and ignore the rest of a request with just one line:

catch (outofspace) {


We won't cover the C implementation of reading this enum here; if you can't figure it out go back to the previous tutorial and read the section on handling HTTP request methods again -- the technique here is very similar.

NMFU, however, provides a more intelligent system for this. Consider this slightly different version of the above example:

finishcode URI_TOO_LONG;

macro waitend(finishcode result) {
    wait "\r\n\r\n";
    finish result;

parser {
    // .. parser code ..
    catch (outofspace) {

The finishcode directive defines an additional result that the http_feed function can return. When a statement like finish URI_TOO_LONG; is executed, instead of simply returning HTTP_DONE, it instead returns HTTP_FINISH_URI_TOO_LONG. This lets us clean up the C side of our HTTP parser:

switch (http_server_feed(&parser, buf, buf + count)) {
    case HTTP_SERVER_OK:
        printf("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n");
        return 0;
        printf("HTTP/1.1 414 URI Too Long\r\n\r\n");
        return 0;
    case HTTP_SERVER_OK:
        goto finished;

Basic Authorization

Alright, now let's try to parse headers. The first block construct we'll introduce is the loop-statement. It's very simple: it runs its body forever until a break-statement is executed. We'll use this to implement a loop where each iteration consumes exactly one header (including the newline).

Consider this example:

wait "\r\n"; // read to end of request URI

loop {
   case {
      "\r\n" -> {finish;} // end of request (two newlines in a row)
      "Authorization: "i -> {
         // todo
         wait "\r\n";
      else -> {
         // ignore header
         wait "\r\n";

We start by reading to the end of the request line. Then, we loop. If we immediately encounter another newline, we've clearly got two in a row, which is the end of the request. If we see Authorization: (the i suffix indicating case-insensitive matching, since header names are case-insensitive), we could parse the authorization. Otherwise, if we see a header we don't recognize, we read up to the newline ending it.

This simple loop structure will read all headers and stop exactly at the end of the request, just like we want.

Next, we'll fill in the body of the Authorization: block. Let's add another output to store the received authorization data (which for basic authorization is just a base64'd string) and another error code for improperly formatted authorization (we'll leave verifying interpretable credentials to the C code):

out str[60] auth_payload;

Then, we'll fill in the case handler:

"Authorization: "i -> {
   delete auth_payload;
   try {
      "Basic "i;
      auth_payload += /[a-zA-Z0-9+\/=]+/;
   catch {

This introduces a few new things: the delete statement, which just clears a string output, and the bare form of the catch clause, which just means "catch all errors".

String length: Checking for authorization presence

Unfortunately, we have a bit of a problem if we try to use this parser in C: how do we know if an authorization header was included? While we could just use a strcmp, since the string is null-terminated and initialized to zeroes, what if we wanted to use the unterminated str mode in NMFU?

Well, NMFU exposes the length of any string-like output (which includes raw outputs covered in a later section) as a separate member in the state object. Instead of being inside the c subobject, it's at the root level and called auth_payload_counter (the name of the output + _counter)

So, we can check for authorization by just seeing if parser.auth_payload_counter > 0:

// assume VALID_AUTH is some correct base64 authorization string

if (parser.auth_payload_counter == 0) {
   // send a 401 with a WWW-Authenticate header
else if (strcmp(parser.c.auth_payload, VALID_AUTH)) {
   // send a 401 invalid auth
else {
   // auth ok

More advanced loops: Checking for gzip support

What if we want our HTTP server to be more bandwidth-efficient? One of the ways we could accomplish this is by supporting response compression, perhaps by storing a pre-compressed version of all our pages and sending them instead of the plain version if the client asks.

The HTTP protocol supports this with the Accept-Encoding header. Its value is a comma-separated list of supported encodings, where we're looking for gzip.

There are a number of ways we could handle this. We could use a regex that matches all comma-separated lists containing gzip and then throw that into a case statement, but let's use a loop to match each item instead. You might imagine expanding this approach later to support matching more than one kind of encoding, and being able to go through all of them (perhaps to prioritize the smallest one) would be useful.

Let's ignore the fact it's comma-separated for now, and try a basic approach:

out bool supports_gzip = false;

// ... [snip] ...

case {
   "Accept-Encoding: "i -> {
      loop {
         case {
            "\r\n" -> {break;}  // end of list
            "gzip"i -> { supports_gzip = true; }
            else -> {} // ignore everything else
   // ...

This might look sensible, but if we try to compile it, we get an error:

Compile error: Infinite loop due to self-referential fallthrough
Due to:
- line 36:
                        case {


NMFU's errors can be a little off in terms of position; the error should really be pointing at the else of the case statement.

This raises the question: what's a "self-referential fallthrough"? Well, when an else matches, it's supposed to "send" the first nonmatching character to the body of the else condition (so that the character isn't silently eaten by the else), however the next statement in this case is the case statement itself. So, the nonmatching character falls through back to the case statement, goes to the else, which falls through again, etc.; forming an infinite loop.

The solution is very simple. We just need to explicitly discard the nonmatching character, which can be accomplished by just placing a "match any character" regex in the body of the else condition:

case {                                  
   "\r\n" -> {break;}  // end of list   
   "gzip"i -> { supports_gzip = true; } 
   else -> {/./;} // ignore everything else 

This, unlike the previous example, will actually compile and work. Making this actually verify the list is comma-separated is left as an exercise to the reader.

Notice also that we've used a nested loop with a break. By default break exits the innermost loop, however it can break out of an outer loop by using the loop name mechanism:

loop outer {
   loop inner {
      break outer;

would break out of the outer loop instead.

Foreach: Reading base-10 numbers

What if we want to support POST request bodies? We'd need to read the Content-Length header to figure out how long the payload is, which is encoded as an ASCII integer. How can we read an integer in this format with NMFU?

First, let's define an output to store the length:

out int content_length = -1; // -1 representing not received

Then, we'll introduce a new statement, the foreach-statement. Unlike the loop-statement which continually runs some statements, the foreach-statement instead executes a series of non-matching statements after each character is read by some other potentially matching statements.

For example,

"Content-Length: "i -> {
   content_length = 0;
   foreach {
   } do {
      content_length = [content_length * 10 + ($last - '0')];
   wait "\r\n";

This will run the statement content_length = [content_length * 10 + ($last - '0')] for each each character in the number is read by the /\d+/ regex. The math syntax here is also new. The square brackets are to indicate a math expression; the only part inside them that should be new is the $last constant. The value of $last is whatever the byte value of the last read character is -- so in this case, the digit of the number. Some basic ASCII math later and we're parsing the entire number as desired.

Reading this from C is, as you probably have guessed, similar to before:

printf("got %d bytes of payload", parser.c.content_length);

This concludes the second and final part of the http tutorial.